In the darkest night, a star will gleam, 

A beacon bright, a tender dream. 

When shadows fall and fears take flight, 

Hope remains, a guiding light. 


Through stormy seas and troubled skies, 

When sorrow’s tear blinds weary eyes, 

A whisper soft, a silent plea, 

Hope endures, a gentle sea. 


In winter’s chill, when life seems bare, 

A promise lies in the frosty air. 

Beneath the snow, the seeds will grow, 

Hope awakens, soft and slow. 


A single bud on a barren tree, 

A sign of what is yet to be. 

In barren lands, in hearts that weep, 

Hope resides, a promise deep. 


With every dawn, a chance reborn, 

A light that breaks the darkest morn. 

In every heart, a flame ignites, 

Hope persists, a steadfast light. 


When dreams seem lost, beyond our grasp, 

And time slips by, so fast, so fast, 

A spark within begins to rise, 

Hope will soar, it never dies. 


So, hold it close, within your soul, 

A guiding star, a cherished goal. 

For in the quiet of the night, 

Hope will shine, forever bright. 


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