In the darkness behind your closed eyes,

Where shadows reign, devoid of light,

A flicker sparks, so small, so bright,

This is the seed of hope’s own might.

Through storm and tempest, harsh and wild,

In every tear, in every trial,

Optimism blooms, tender and mild,

Transforming sorrow with a smile.

It’s in the dawn after the dusk,

The phoenix rising from the dust,

A faith unshaken, deeply just,

A precious gem, unscathed by rust.

It whispers softly to the soul,

When doubts and fears take their toll,

“Press on, be brave, and stay whole,

For every wound, time will console.”

In dreams that soar on wings of grace,

In every child’s upturned face,

It finds a home, a sacred space,

A beacon in the hardest race.

Optimism, a guiding star,

No matter how the world may scar,

It shows us that we’ve come so far,

And shines within, wherever we are.


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